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[3830] K5TR - IARU SO SSB

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] K5TR - IARU SO SSB
From: geoiii@kkn.net (George Fremin III)
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 1998 18:35:18 -0700 (PDT)

                               IARU SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 11-Jul-98, 12-Jul-98
    Callsign Used : K5TR
     Station Used : W5KFT - Ranch
         Catagory : Single Op SSB Only

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

  160SSB      25          25         59       2         5
   80SSB      57          57        147       3        10
   40SSB     117         117        371      14        21
   20SSB     859         843       2935      19        42
   15SSB     871         848       3466      21        33
   10SSB      86          85        315       4        15

 Totals     2015        1975       7293      63       126

                            Final Score = 1,378,377 points.

It was fun to do a single op contest from this station.  Now if 
I could just talk W5KFT into letting me do this in CQ WW SSB.

160m -- lots of noise - I am sorry if you called me and I never
       heard you. I promise to get the beverages up before the 
       fall contest season. 

80m -- lots of noise and not much activity that I could hear. 

40m -- Kind of a non-band on SSB when comparied to the CW 
       totals that I have seen so far.  I went down just
       before sunset and worked all sorts of HQ stations
       in Europe - they had great signals and I was getting
       them all quickly.  For awhile I had more HQ mults
       than Zones on this band.  I kept trying to move a
       ZL to 40m for the mult and they kept telling me
       that they did not do that band!.  at 08:20Z 
       ZL1AW calls in on 20m and tells me he is new to 
       HF and asks about his ITU zone etc.  We work and then
       I ask him about 40m and he tells me that he has never
       made a contact on that band to the states but he is 
       willing to try.  So he goes and I work him. :-)
       It was fun being his first QSO on 40m.

20m -- This band was great - it was open all night long and 
       really saved me from 40m and a poor score. It was great
       being able to work all the EU stations at their

15m -- This was the "best" band for me and I even worked more Europe
       on this band than I did stateside.  It was still open to 
       europe very late - but there were not very many stations on.
       CT1BOH said I was the only guy other than HC8A coming in at
       2350Z and that I was quite loud.  The path to JA was not as 
       good and I did not work very many stations in Japan. 

10m -- Did not produce much - the south pacific was good and I worked
       just about everyone I could move from 15 m.  I tried and tried
       to work some EU stations but the path just was not there. 
       I can almost always work a JA on scatter over the pacific but 
       I had no luck this time.

6m -- Oh....no that was last month. 

I used this contest to work on my two radio skills and even
stayed up late rigging up some relays to swich the mic with
the logging program so that it would work more like the 
two radio stuff does on CW.  I was very glad I did all the work
and now I am wondering why I waited so long to do it - it made
two radios work much better than ever.  I made more than 200 
QSOs as a result of having a second rig running and it made the
contest much more intresting.  I made 342 band changes also. 
The only real trouble was that there were long periods of time
when there was only one band that had much on it so the second 
rig was not as useful as it could have been. 

Continent List  

                   160    80    40    20    15    10   ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --   ---
  USA calls   =     23    44    58   461   261    35   882
  VE calls    =      2     7     5    52    26     2    94
  N.A. calls  =      0     4     5    14    11     7    41
  S.A. calls  =      0     1     4    12    13    33    63
  Euro calls  =      0     0    18   142   448     0   608
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     1    14    11     1    27
  Asia calls  =      0     0     0    31    12     0    43
  JA calls    =      0     0    17    74    44     0   135
  Ocen calls  =      0     1     9    44    23     7    84

  Total calls =     25    57   117   844   849    85  1977

  HOUR  160SSB   80SSB   40SSB   20SSB   15SSB   10SSB   TOTAL   ACCUM
  ----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------   -----   -----
   12       0       0       0     131      12       0     143     143
   13       0       0       0      17     115       0     132     275
   14       0       0       0       7     126       2     135     410
   15       0       0       0       5     126       0     131     541
   16       0       0       0       4     101       9     114     655
   17       0       0       0       0      93      14     107     762
   18       0       0       0       6      47      23      76     838
   19       0       0       0       6     100       4     110     948
   20       0       0       0      72      17       2      91    1039
   21       0       0       0      20      51       4      75    1114
   22       0       0       0       3      45      27      75    1189
   23       0       0       0      62      12       0      74    1263

    0       0       0       0      70       3       0      73    1336
    1       0       1      20      29       0       0      50    1386
    2       0       3       3      66       0       0      72    1458
    3       0       1       3      68       0       0      72    1530
    4       2       2       0     108       0       0     112    1642
    5       4       4       0      49       0       0      57    1699
    6       7       0       6      74       0       0      87    1786
    7       0       6      30       9       0       0      45    1831
    8       3      18      22       5       0       0      48    1879
    9       7      17      15       3       0       0      42    1921
   10       2       4       9       8       0       0      23    1944
   11       0       1       9      21       0       0      31    1975

  TOTAL    25      57     117     843     848      85 
QSO counts by Zone

   1.           08  474
   2.           28  293
   3.           06  235
   4.           07  161
   5.           45  135
   6.           27  133
   7.           29   70
   8.           37   43
   9.           04   36
  10.           14   30
  11.           18   29
  12.           02   28
  13.           11   25
  14.           55   20
  15.           39   18
  16.           09   17
  17.           59   17
  18.           50   15
  19.           61   14
  20.           03   12


George Fremin III          "I'm talkin' 'bout that outlaw X
Austin, Texas                It's cuttin' through the air.... "
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)              
512/416-7010                          -- "Heard it on the X"
geoiii@kkn.net                               -- ZZ Top

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