Call: 9A7P Country: Croatia
Mode: CW rules Category: Multi Single Low Power
160 1 1 1.00 1 1
80 482 608 1.26 14 62
40 333 658 1.98 17 75
20 454 851 1.87 21 76
15 501 1034 2.06 29 85
10 406 937 2.31 31 85
Totals 2177 4089 1.88 113 384 => 2,032,233
All reports sent were 599 A5.
Operator List: 1.9A6NHH Hrle, 2.9A5AEI Patrik, 3.9A6NPM Marko...
Equipment Description:
RTX> TS440S - we didnt tough it will be alive all the time:)
ANT> 10, 15, 20 - 2 element QUAD
40, 80 - dipole
160 - nothing but made 1 qso :)
PWR> 100 Watts
SOFT K1EA, CT v9.27
Club Affiliation: WWYC (World Wide Young Contesters)
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.
Remarks: Long as usuall. O>-<
Hi there contesters,
Here is a "small" story about our fun in CQWW.
Gettin' in>
We were waiting for this contest for long time because
we knew it's our only chance to work more then 2000 q's in
one contest (so we did) and before year 2000.
Weather was beautiful whole week, 9A5AEI was gettin' ready
for his b-day which he has today (29th Nov) and I was gettin'
for 2 exams I had today (also 29th).
Our minds were to:
* make 2000 QSOs
* beat 9A1CMS, OZ1AA
* work 1M (by 5AEI's words) <- very optimistic :)
* to not make any damage on equipment
-- DAY 1 --
I started contest and worked mostly on 40&80m. 20m was closed
whole night :( ... it was going quite well and after my
1st 8 hours i reached 500 qsos (quite cool start) but missed
lot of mults - pile ups on mults were just too strong for our
dipoles and 100w. Still I was quite surprised when I heard
NA answers my cq on 80m (1st i tough someone's joking me:) )
In morning catched few mults on 20m but it was all of 20m
till 2000Z. 9A5AEI came in 0800Z and so he started by
working mostly on 10&15m. He did it very good and after his
8 hours of work we had 1K QSOs (not bad). Still had
same problems with mults (nobody heard us).
CQing on upper bands was not of much use.
About 1800Z there was me active again and after 15m went down
I switched to 20m. On 20m I was not much because it went dead
very soon after I came. So I was feelin' very bad at that moment
(and head was full with things I learned few hours before -
school school school).
On lower bands catched some mults but still was not it.
1st day ended with 1300 QSOs and bit over 1M points.
-- DAY 2 --
Till 0500Z I was on 40&80m, then had some nice qsos on 20m.
9A5AEI came back in 0800Z and he saw 1660 Q's in the log.
I went sleep and he continued working. He made some extra
zones and dxcc and it was kind of all for that 2nd day.
We reached 2177 untill 1900Z and 9A6NPM made few qsos when
9A5AEI were dead tired. Too bad we didnt have any op for
last 4 hours and ... again it showed it's big mistake not having
160m ant up. On our sorry we have no space. We are on the top
of the buisness building.
We did:
* made 2000 qso
* beated 9A1CMS (for OZ1AA i dont know yet)
* not made any damage
* that million
Maybe this score doesnt sound very high but for us
little ones it's great job.
Thanks to our "club fans" for support and
also thanks to those who said "it's impossible, you'll never
make it..."
73 to all and hope to work you again soon
comment to:
P.O.Box 73
Pazin, HR 52000
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