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[3830] ARRL 160 N6WG Single Op QRP

To: 3830@contesting.com
Subject: [3830] ARRL 160 N6WG Single Op QRP
From: n6wg@comcast.net
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2010 00:08:58 +0000 (UTC)
List-post: <3830@contesting.com">mailto:3830@contesting.com>
Call:          N6WG 
Operator:  N6WG 
Station:     N6WG 

Class:  Single Op QRP 
QTH:    CA 
Operating Time:  19 hrs 

Summary:  QSOs = 196  Sections = 46 Countries = 2 
          Total Score = 19104 

Club:  Northern California Contest Club 

I wasn't sure I'd make the contest, as I've been working on a 
new antenna.  It's a 60 ft telescoping fiberglass pole from 
SpiderBeam with my radiator wire cable-tied to it.  Doesn't 
resonate at all on 160m, so had to add a 60uH coil to get it 
to tune. 

No radial field to speak of, just some counterpoise wires spread 
out on the roof of the house. 

Everything came together in time, so thought I'd just play in 
the contest for a bit to see how the new antenna worked.  Well, 
you know a real contester can't just play in a contest.  After a 
few Qs, I just had to keep at it.  My goal was at least 100 Qs 
and at least 10K points. 
Condx didn't seem that great, but at least the noise level was 
less than I recall in the past.  I was able to work almost all 
the stations I could copy.  Probably less than a dozen that 
"got away".  Even worked C6 and ZL8 for a spot of DX. 

Once I blew past my initial goals, I decided to go for broke and 
put in as many hours as I could.  I set a new goal of 200 Qs and 
20K points.  Didn't quite make it, but got within shouting 

All in all, I'm quite pleased with my results.  Not bad for 5w 
and a wire strapped to a big plastic stick :-) 

Hope to see you all in the ARRL 10m contest coming up. 

73, Bob N6WG 
The Little Station with Attitude 

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