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[AMPS] Bias for SB-220

To: <>
Subject: [AMPS] Bias for SB-220
From: (Rich Measures)
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:06:54 -0700

>Subject:               RE: [AMPS] Bias for SB-220
>Date sent:             Fri, 4 Jun 1999 03:23:21 -0700
>From:                  Rich Measures <>
>To:                    "'amps'" <>
>> >Rich says:
>> >
>> >> The bottom-line is that there should not be a situation where the bias
>> >> can be in the non-linear/Rx mode when the RF relays are in the Tx mode.
>> >>  
>> >
>> >I must admit that I've never thought it through very carefully before,
>> >but unless the bias is switched before the RF gets there, you must be
>> >effectively pulse modulating. 
>> ?  indeed. 
>Bunk. The claims that all kinds of splatter is produced are 
>nonsense, mostly based on not understanding the effects of IMD. 
?  I did not say that all kinds of splatter are produced.  By listening 
to two receivers in stereo, tuned about 4kHz apart one can hear a 
spit-spit sound whenever the bias is in never-never-land.  Alpha 77s had 
an abundance of spit-spit distortion.  Newer amplifiers with RF-switched 
bias are a bit better, however, they still produce this feculence.  
.  When you proved that your new, improved RF-controlled electronic 
bias-switch was better than all the rest with a 3-Tone Test, you made my 
day, Mr Rauch.  . Laughter is indeed the best medicine.   

>The bulk of the clicks Rich reports, 

?   I heard spit-spit distortion on the adjacent channels from SSB 
voice-modulated signals.  I did not hear clicks.  //  Tom:  free, 
unsolicited advice:  Before saying anything in a discussion, it is best 
to read what the other feller actually says.   

> if he actually hears them and if 
>it is not just psychosomatic clicking, 

?  whew

btw, what was the bleeder value in the Bill Orr/"dead-on" resonant choke 
supply that almost QRTed you?

-  Cheers, Tom


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K,  

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