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[Amps] PEP kit for your average reading watt meter

Subject: [Amps] PEP kit for your average reading watt meter
From: "Thomas Hix" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 20:10:52 -0500
List-post: <>

I have a great new PEP Board that will make your Drake, Bird 43, Daiwa, ect watt meter show PEP power instead of Average power.
This is a great little board that will fit inside just about any meter. Will make a great addition to your amp power meter.
More info here.

Make your Drake, Bird, Collins, Daiwa and most other wattmeters read PEAK ENVELOPE POWER. Quick, easy hookup. For example, these work great in the Bird 43 and make beautiful instruments of the Drake W-4 and W-7. These also work on wattmeters inside tuners and amps. Using this adapter, you can extend the range of your existing wattmeter ? read 4kW on your Drake or 5 or 10 kW on your Bird 43, without buying additional slugs.


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