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Re: [Amps] Cooling (GS35B)

To: Tony King - W4ZT <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Cooling (GS35B)
From: Gary Schafer <>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:23:08 -0500
List-post: <>
That would seem that you don't have a big enough blower to produce the needed back pressure required. Measuring the back pressure in the chassis with a simple manometer will tell the story. A clear hose with a loop with water in it.

A bigger blower sometimes means a larger wheel and or higher speed.
Just a higher cfm blower may not do anything if it can't produce enough pressure. A low speed blower gets choked down quickly when working into pressure and its flow drops like a rock.

Gary  K4FMX

Tony King - W4ZT wrote:

I've also noticed that blowing air from the end will not provide enough
air to the tube on the opposite end. It's the old "hole in the hose"
problem. The air is best blown in at the mid point between the tubes
either from the bottom or the long side.

73, Tony W4ZT

Robert Thain wrote:

Thank you to everybody who replied.

We were working on the amp over the weekend and found
that the blower 'should' have been capable of
producing the flow but wasn't. So we borrowed a MUCH
bigger blower and found that we had exactly the same
flow rate !!!!
We found that in the anode compartment, in one half we
had air flowing and one the other NOTHING at all , no
matter how big the blower was. We were blowing from
the side. We did a simple test and blew straight in
from the base and this made a big difference.
We are pretty sure that the initial problem is due to
turbulence and we will work on some baffles or duct
the air. Has anybody already had this problem, Been there done
that .....
Thanks again

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