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Re: [Amps] [ham_amplifiers] Two new amplifiers for sale

Subject: Re: [Amps] [ham_amplifiers] Two new amplifiers for sale
From: Louis Parascondola via Amps <>
Reply-to: Louis Parascondola <>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 08:06:25 -0400
List-post: <">>
Hsu, are these the HF-2013 amps like I have here on my work bench?  For those 
interested, if these amps Hsu is speaking of  are the HF-2013 amps, you can 
look up the OM Power OM-2000.  All the photos and specs are there at the OM 
website.  These amps are pretty much the same amp.  Unless the amps Hsu is 
offering are not the same as the HF-2013 on my bench then I can't comment on 
them, but I can comment on the HF-2013 using the FU-728F tube.  If it is the 
same, it is a steal at $2500 USD.  The tube only costs $450.00 new from China 
and is in current production.  Some VERY unfortunate circumstances brought this 
amp to my repair bench and I doubt it is related to the amp itself but rather 
than the hands it fell into while it got shuffled around here in the US before 
it got to it's rightful owner.  If I was in the market for such an amp I would 
scoop it up in a heartbeat.  Just look at the price you would pay for an 
OM-2000 and compare. Nuff said.
-----Original Message-----
From: 'Hsu' [ham_amplifiers] <>
To: amps <>
Cc: ham_amplifiers <>
Sent: Mon, Apr 20, 2015 7:46 am
Subject: [ham_amplifiers] Two new amplifiers for sale

A guy   ordered two amplifiers,I’ll finsh my testing  work  this week, but He 
call me just now ,he is ill, and can not oprate the radio for  long time, so he 
 decide to cancel the order.I’ll sell these  again.         
I ask  $2500/ea+ shipping(50kg). ,  1.8-30MHz, with 7’’ LCD  coulour display , 
independent filament transformer, rated output power: 2000W , no  mode limt , 
728F tetrode  tube.         
           if you interested in it, please contact  me off line.JPG on request. 
 Posted by: "Hsu" <>     
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