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Re: [Amps] boost transformer

Subject: Re: [Amps] boost transformer
From: Vic Rosenthal 4X6GP/K2VCO <>
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2015 09:31:42 +0300
List-post: <">>
It's kind of a stretch. I have done this, but never increased the line voltage more than 10% (on the grounds that most components have at least a 10% safety factor built in). But keep in mind that your line voltage may vary quite a lot, and if you start out with a high line voltage one day, you may get more than you've bargained for.

Vic, 4X6GP/K2VCO
Rehovot, Israel

On 4 Jul 2015 00:21, Wayne Newport wrote:
hi all, I just wanted an opinion I have a  DC power supply but I need
3400V for a project.I was looking at using a boost transformer. Antek
have a toroid @ 34V 8 amps. Can the 34V secondary be put in series
with the 240V primary of my main transformer to boost the secondary
HV. I calculate that when rectified and filtered the 34V should get
me about 420V extra DC voltage. Are there any pitfalls to using this
boost transformer method regards Wayne VK4WTN

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