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Re: [Amps] Repairing early Alpha Amp pushbutton switches

To: K5jv <>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Repairing early Alpha Amp pushbutton switches
From: MU 4CX250B <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 12:00:44 -0800
List-post: <>
Very interesting, Lon. Nice work!
Jim w8zr

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 19, 2022, at 9:32 AM, K5jv <> wrote:
> Greetings to all,
>        After a long search for a replacement for the  push-button switches in 
> my  Alpha 78, I thought I had found them at, of all places, Walmart.  You can 
> not just go pick them up.  You must order them online.   After a three week 
> wait, the switches finally arrived.  They are the  modern version for the 
> Alpha switch, but not an exact replacement for the 50 year old switches.  
> However, the internal switch contacts in the new switches are exact 
> replacements for the contacts in the old switches.  These new contacts appear 
> to be silver ( at least in color) plated.  The contacts in the old switches 
> appear to be made of copper, or bronze, and, in my case, were badly pitted 
> from nearly 50 years of use.
>        The new push-rod will slide into the old switch body but will not 
> larch properly.  Two tiny contacts and springs are  attached to the internal 
> push-rod. The springs and contacts must be removed from the new push-rod and 
> installed on the old push-rod.  Do not cut any wires. Do not remove the small 
> circuit board attached to the bottom of the switches.  Just remove the 
> meters.  The entire switch assembly can then be unscrewed from the chassis 
> and rotated up through the meter hole for relatively easy access.
>        It is not an easy job, in fact, it was a very meticulous job for me.  
> If I can do it at 81, you youngsters should have no trouble.  It might take a 
> little practice and I suggest you get a magnet on a stick to retrieve the 
> tiny springs that will shoot all over the room.  Be careful, the springs are 
> magnetic, the contacts are not.
>        The project is really worthwhile.  After several hours of quite 
> meticulous work, the multi-meter switches on my Alpha 78 works like new
> 73 de Lon, K5JV
> 281-795-1335
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