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Subject: ANTI-QRPer Idea
From: GARLOUGH@TGV.COM (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue Nov 10 21:04:41 1992
> Actually I am never really sure what QRP means. I suspect that 5w and a
> pair of 5 element stacked monobanders has a ERP comparable to 100w and
> 2 element quad - YES/NO?

I used to get into arguments like this with some "QRPers" and I finally
realized something.  My concept of QRP is doing the most you can with
five watts, or whatever, and I thought my view was par.  After speaking
to many self-proclaimed QRPers I have discovered that mine is a minority
viewpoint.  What many of these folks really desire is to be weak.  That's
pretty unexciting.

Considering being weak is the goal, why bother with the five watt part?
Why not run the full 100 watts into a dipole resting upon the ground?


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