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DXNL-No.: 822 de DARC

Subject: DXNL-No.: 822 de DARC
From: Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de (Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de)
Date: Wed Dec 9 07:32:00 1992
DX @WW           de:DL3HAH 07.12.92 08:02  30  11256 Bytes

                     DXNL 822 - Dec 7, 1992

                 DX-NEWS LETTER published weekly
         by the DARC e.V. DX and HF-Radio Sport Section

                Editor: Thomas T Milde, DL1HBT
                        Compeweg 2
                        W2100 Hamburg 90
                        Fed. Rep. of Germany
                Phone:  (+49) 40-765 86 43
                Fax:    (+49) 40-765 97 11
                PR-BBS: DL1HBT @ DB0HB.DEU.EU
         HF-DX-Bulletin: DK0DX (Fr. 3745 kHz/1700 UTC)

DX-NL orders     :  DARC, P.O. Box 1155, W3507 Baunatal 1, Germany
Payment          :  Postgiroamt Hannover 12359-306, BLZ 200 100 30
Prices (per year):  DARC members: 60,- DM; non-members:  80,- DM;
                    EU:          +10,- DM; Airmail:     +30,- DM

Tnx:    ARRL DX Bulletin, BARF80-BBS c/o OPDX-Bulletin, VP2ML c/o
        TDXB, VERON DXPress, DL5XX, NM7M; Deadline for DXNL 823: Dec 13
        for Packet (dl1hbt @ db0hb.deu.eu) and Fax (+49-40-7659711)


4U, ITU HQ - Stefan (DL5XX) made 3,600 QSO during CQWWDX CW as
        4U1ITU. QSL cards will be send beforehand for all contacts made
        during the contest.


VS6, Hongkong - VS6WO will take in the ARRL 10m Contest as a
        multi-op entry with Dave (WX3N) and Mark (AG9A) helping. QSL via
        K9EC. - GU4XGG can be heard signing VS6GU until Dec 19. QSL via
        home call.
YI, Iraq - VERON DXPress reports YI1MH being a new station in
        Iraq. QSL via Majid Abdul Hamid, P.O. Box 5864, Bagdad, Iraq.
9V, Singapore - Dave (WX3N) and Mark (AG9A) will operate from here
        until Dec 10.


C2, Nauru - Brian (ZL1ACX) will be active as C21BR from Nauru
        until mid-April '93. VERON DXPress suggests to look for him in the
        222-net. QSL via Brian Rous, Box 478, Nauru, Central Pacific
KC6, Belau - See DXNL 821. TDXB suggests that the DXped of John
        (NJ1V) and Jim (WV5S) as KC6VV and KC6SS may take place some time
        in February.
V7, Marshall Islands - According to TDXB, AD1S and AH9B will show
        up from here as V73S and V73B Jan 8 thru 15 on 10-160m (incl.
        WARC). CW/SSB and RTTY. Try 25 kHz up on CW, 80 kHz up on RTTY.
        QSL via Oklahoma DX Association, P.O. Box 88, Wellston, OK 74881,


C6, Bahamas - Bill (KM1E), retruns to Green Turtle Cay in early
        January and again in March using his new issued callsign of C6AGN.
        QSL via KA1DIG. TDXB says that Bill likes 6m !
HK0, San Andres - Silvano (KB6GL) and Don (AA5AU) will operate
        HK0/.. Feb 27 thru Mar 7. Look for Silvano on 10-20m (incl. WARC)
        SSB/RTTY; Don on 10-40m (incl. WARC) CW/RTTY. QSL HK/KB6GL via
        KA6V and HK0/AA5AU via AA5AU. tnx TDXB!
KP5, Desecheo - A major operation led by N0TG/KP5 runs Dec 28 thru
        Jan 4. Try 1830, 3505, 7005, 10105, 14020, 18075, 21020, 24900 and
        28020 kHz on CW; 3790, 7090/7150, 14195, 18125, 21295, 24940 and
        28395 kHz on SSB. RTTY 3620, 7085, 18105 and 80 kHz up. QSL all
        ../KP5 calls to Randy Rowe (N0TG), P.O. Box 891, Desoto, TX 75123-
        0891, U.S.A. - direct only with SASE (donations will be very
        appreciated). tnx TDXB!
P4, Aruba - Members of the Quannapowitt Radio Association - the
        team consists of Jim (W1HL), Mike (NW1J), Bill (N1NGK) and Bob
        (AA1M) - will air P4/W1EKT Jan 11 thru 18 on all bands CW/SSB and
        RTTY. QSL via Bob Reiser (AA1M), 6 Savin Street, Burlington, MA
        01803, U.S.A.
VP2m, Montserrat - VP2MT is back on Montserrat until Dec 10. TDXB
        suggests to try 14025 kHz. - Stu (K8SJ) will be active as
        VP2M/K8SJ Feb 5 thru 17 on all bands mostly CW 20-30 kHz up. QSL
        via Stu Stephens (K8SJ), Box 266, Girard, OH 44420.
V3, Belize - Art (NN7A) and Mike (NG7S) will operate CW only as
        V31JZ and V31RL Feb 22 thru 24 from Southwater Cay in the Belize
        Caribbean Sea Coast South Group - a new one for IOTA.
V4, St. Kitts - James (5Z4FV) will operate as V47FV to Jan 5, with
        emphasis on the low bands and SSB. QSL via his US call of N3JCL.
ZF2, Grand Cayman Islands - Howard (N6DEC) will air ZF2RC Dec 9
        thru 16, incl. ARRL 10m. Look for him on SSTV outside the test.
        QSL via Howard Phillips, N6DEC, P.O. Box 5121, Anaheim, CA 92814-
        5121, U.S.A.


DP, Antarctica - Helmar, DL1KVC/P, who is in Antarctica for three
        months, can be found almost daily on 14246 kHz from 1700-1900z. He
        is a member of the team that helps to build a new antarctic
        station. They are located near the former DP0GVN-station. Volker
        (ex-Y88POL) will continue Helmar's work starting mid-February. The
        only problems seems to be QSLing. Willy (HB9CZW) reports returned
        mail from Helmar's address (Ulrich von Hutten Str. 29a, O-2510
        Rostock, Germany). DXNL would be grateful for any kind of help on
        obtaining the correct address!
T5, Somalia - Look for T5CB to be active from Dec 18 thru Jan 2.
        He will be active from one of the UN compounds in the area. QSL
        via P.O. Box 1311, Buena Vista, CO 81211, U.S.A.

                Most wanted DXCC-countries
In addition to the publication of the results of the survey from
"The DX Bulletin" in issue 818, PA2NJC is still working on the
assembly of a list especially for EUROPE. This is your chance to
take part in the survey. - Please send a list of your 10 most
wanted DXCC countries to PA2NJC @ DK0MWX or to his home address:
Nick Cox, Heikamp 31, 6071 AR Swalmen, NETHERLANDS. Nick suggests
that the deadline for his survey will be around Dec 10. The
results will be published here around mid-Dec!

                        Upcoming DX

                12.12.  -17.12.         A35 (SM0's)     821
                        -Aug'95         BY (F's)        812
                        -April'93       C21BR           822
                                        C21NI (DL1VU)   817
                        -11.1.          C6AGN           822
                        QRV             C9REI           819
                                        DU1/DL1VU       817
                        -Sep'93         D2EL            821
                        -Aug'95         ET3JR           806
                10.12.  -12.12.         E28DX (HS)      818
                        Dec             FK (DL's)       809
                Dec     -               FT4WD           818
                        Dec             FW (DL's)       809
                        QRV             HF0POL          819
                27.2.   -7.3.           HK0 (W's)       822
                11.12.  -13.12.         JD (JA5's)      821
                        -14.1.93        JA9IPX/JD1      815
                        -12.12.         J7/DL5MAE       819
                        -1.2.93         KC4AAF          815
                        Feb'93          KC6 (W's)       822
                                        KC6/DL1VU       817
                26.1.   -2.2.93         KH1             816/821
                        -Dec            KH3AE/AF        801
                                        KH5/DL1VU       817
                Feb/Mar'93              KH5 + KH5K      820
                26.3.   -3.4.93         KP1             821
                28.12.  -4.1.           KP5             815/822
                25.2.   -28.2.93        OJ0             821
                        -Dec            PY0TSN          816
                11.1.   -18.1.          P4/W1EKT        822
                        QRV             TL8NG           817
                        -21.12.         TU4SR           819
                                        T30CT (DL1VU)   817
                                        T31AF (DL1VU)   817
                                        T32VU (DL1VU)   817
                                        T33VU (DL1VU)   817
                18.12.  -2.1.93         T5CB            822
                        -Jan'93         VK9CB           817
                        Feb'93.         VK9LS/LT        807/808
                        -10.12.         VP2MT           822
                5.2.    -17.2.          VP2M/K8SJ       822
                12.12.  -13.12.         VS6WO           822
                        -19.12.         VS6GU           822
                1.1.    -28.1.93        V2/VE3BW        817
                22.2.   -24.2.          V31 (W's)       822
                        -5.1.           V47FV (5Z4FV)   822
                15.12.  -22.12.         K4FAF/V63       821
                                        V63VU (DL1VU)   817
                8.1.    -15.1.          V73 (W's)       822
                        -Feb'93         XQ0X            815
                        -Dec'92         XT2BW           781
                        QRV             XU7VK           794/797
                        -Apr'93         XU4OF (DJ4OF)   804
                        -Aug'93         XV7TH           812
                        -Oct'93         OK1IAI/YA       792
                        QRV             YI1MH           822
                28.12.  -2.1.93         YN0YN           819
                9.12.   -16.12.         ZF2RC           822
                        -9.12.          ZK1 (SM0's)     821
                        -9.12.          ZK2 (JA's)      817
                        -15.1.93        ZS7ANT          819
                29.12.  -15.1.93        3D2 (SM0's)     821
                        Dec ?           3W (UA3's)      820
                        QRV             4K1YAR          820
                        -Dec'93         5U7M            806
                17.12.  -28.12.         5W (SM0's)      821
                        -10.12.         5X5WR (DJ5RT)   819/820
                Oct     -               5Z (F2JD)       803
                23.1.   -6.2.           8P9DX (VE3ICR)  821
                28.12.  -6.1.93         8Q7BX (I4ALU)   819
                        -end'92         9V1XE           812
                        -Aug'94         9X5AB           817

                        From the DXCC-desk
The following operations have been accredited for DXCC purposes:
        From OPDX # 088: "It was announced this week by the ARRL Awards
Comittee that they voted unanimously to accept recommendations
from the DXAC (DX Advisory Committee) to add Croatia, Slovenia and
Bosnia-Hercegovina to the DXCC Countries List. Croatia and
Slovenia are added for contacts made 26th May 1991 and after.
Bosnia-Hercegovina is added for contacts made 15th October 1991
and after. The DXCC Desk will aceppt cards received at ARRL
Headquarters after 1st January 1993. Cards received before 1st
January 1993 will be returned without action. The Awards Committee
gave no reason why Macedonia was not added, but only it will
remain under study."


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contains almost all information from the paper-DXNL. Always remember,
that this service can only be continued as long as there are enough
subscribers. If you find PR-DXNL useful, why not become a subscriber
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  • DXNL-No.: 822 de DARC, Dieter.Dippel@CNVE.RRZE.uni-erlangen.dbp.de <=