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FW: TH6 Problems - Help

Subject: FW: TH6 Problems - Help
From: mikemr@microsoft.com (Michael Mraz)
Date: Thu May 6 12:04:36 1993
I bought a TH-6 that had lived near the salt water (Puget Sound) for about
8 years. The cad-plated element clamps had to be hacksawed off the
elements (the aluminum was fine, although the rust from the clamps
had stained it). I bought a TH-7 upgrade kit, which included all-stainless
hardware (everywhere, including all the boom-to-element clamp bolts).
I cleaned all the aluminum using a Scotch-Brite pad, Comet cleanser,
lots of water and lots of muscle. The traps were all reused; all I did to
them was blow them out with compressed air (after removing the
plastic end-caps, which I replaced). That's my recommendation.

73    Mike    N6MZ    mikemr@microsoft.com
From: Balmforth, Kevin D
Subject: TH6 Problems - Help
Previous E-discussion on refurbing Hygain traps got me started on refurbing an
old TH6DXX which has been out in the So. California smog for a few years.
Problem: some of the element joints have become so corroded that I can't
separate them, even with a pair of vise-grips (the universal antenna tool...).
 Resistance across the joints is 3-5 ohms, which means I just can't leave them
this way.  Has anybody had any experience with this problem?

Thanks - Kevin NC6U

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