Call: W1IHN Country: United States
Mode: CW Category: Single Operator/Unassisted
Totals 1022 2910 2.85 115 330 => 1,294,950
Tri-bander still lashed to oak tree 25 feet up, pointed East...amazing
how well it performed...HF6-V did well, too, on 40 and 80...Unable to
work the *REAL* DX, but did get VS6, FR, FH. ZL2K, LZ9A, HG73DX, CR3W
had outstanding sigs wherever heard...Conspicuous lack of Zone 12's at
this QTH...CW operators getting better every year...Even with 270 Hz filter,
difficult finding clear frequencies to run on...Many tnx to DX'peditioners.
Bert, W1IHN (Raleigh, NC)