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From: bill.lumnitzer@paonline.com (bill.lumnitzer@paonline.com)
Date: Fri Jun 17 12:10:07 1994
What techniques are being used to reduce interference between rigs in a
multi-operation?  I have used ICE transmit filters in the past but this has not
provided enough isolation.  Separate towers for each band is not an option that
I will consider.  Any ideas from you single tower multi guys?  I have
considered trying adding coax stubs at the tower and possible using remote
receiving antennas in the woods (trap vertical or wires).  What works?

73/Bill N6CQ/3 (n6cq@paonline.com)
Lewisberry, PA

>From Steve Harrison <sharriso@sysplan.com>  Fri Jun 17 16:13:14 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso@sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406171114.D18890-0100000@eagle>

On Fri, 17 Jun 1994, Marko Myllymaki 450-4020x107 wrote:
> Something is wrong here.  I once emailed and also faxed (I think twice), to
> K1AR at CQ Mazazine about this issue, but I never got any reply.  John, are 
> You listening ?  Something should be done.  If I understand it correctly, CQ 
> is still sponsoring certificates and contests carry CQ's name.
While I have only qualified for two certificates for the CQ WW CW and 
have already received both (they were for 1991 and 1992, I believe, and 
both took about 12 months or so), I have followed this thread when it 
showed on the Megacluster. The interesting thing was that what happened 
was the results were published in the fall of 1993, and guys began grousing 
about not receiving any  awards  on the Megacluster. Then about a month 
later, certificates started arriving, and guys would post messages such as
"WW CW Certificate Received!" Soon, it seemed that all on the Megacluster 
had their just awards. I got mine about the same time; but the post office
had bent the envelope (CQ doesn't insert a piece of stiff cardboard within
the envelope to protect the certificate). I growled just a little bit about
that on the Megacluster, and a day later, I got a nice message from John Dorr,
K1AR, offering to replace the defaced certificate! He was also helpful in
another area that I won't go into here...

I wonder if the certificates are really mailed from the offices of CQ 
rather than from the guys who maintain the contests. Note that there are 
two signatures on your certificates: one is the guy who checks the logs 
(N6AR in the case of the CW WW) and the other is K3EST. I guess this 
means a pile of certificates get mailed between the two before mailing to 
us. But, I wonder why CQ cannot handle this certificate handling at the 
office, other than the fact it would increase their overhead and cut into 
profits? They would send a bunch of certificates to N6AR and K3EST for 
signing before or shortly after the contest who would mail them back 
before they get snowed over with logs. CQ holds the certificates until 
they get the official results to be published some months later. A group 
of hired hands then set to work filling in the details on the 
certificates, then get the dang thangs mailed; this should happen within 
several months after CQ gets the results from N6AR/K3EST.

So, how are they really handling the awards that takes so long? Inquiring 
(and steaming) minds want to know...

73, Steve KO0U/4 <sharrison@sysplan.com>

>From Steve Harrison <sharriso@sysplan.com>  Fri Jun 17 16:32:40 1994
From: Steve Harrison <sharriso@sysplan.com> (Steve Harrison)
Subject: Contest Certificates
Message-ID: <Pine.3.87.9406171140.E18890-0100000@eagle>

On Thu, 16 Jun 1994, J.P. Kleinhaus wrote:

> Yes...here is a good suggestion. If I thought it would make the process go
> faster, I would include the whole damn envelope, postage included.
That would increase the height of that pile of logs to at least 5 
feet..Steve KO0U/4

>From Morao Esteban <z801183a@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>  Fri Jun 17 19:34:35 
From: Morao Esteban <z801183a@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us> (Morao Esteban)
Subject: CONTEST!
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406171438.D8946-0100000@bcfreenet.seflin.lib.fl.us>

Do you need to probe to 

Esteban J. Morao

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu  Fri Jun 17 20:11:01 1994
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil@seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Subject: Lemon Launcher for FD
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9406171201.D3369-b100000@bach>

All this FD stuff reminds me that last year for W7FR, we made a humongous
slingshot-like object, quickly dubbed the Lemon Launcher, that put
monofilament into the tops of 100'+ fir trees.

large metal funnel
two 6' pieces of 1/2" surgical tubing
100 yrds of 20# test monofilament
electrical tape
coat hanger (of course)

Ya put the surgical tubing pieces into the sides of the funnel, doubled up
for strength and to serve as handles.  The coat hanger goes through the
spout as the funnel holder.  Tie the mono onto a lemon by punching a hole
through it with a screwdriver.  Put the lemon in the funnel.  Have two of
your tallest ops hold the tubing as high as they can.  Your strongest op
pulls the funnel back with the coat hanger.  Let 'er rip!  If you use a
ladder to hold the surgical tubing, you can get even more stretch.

The lemons are used because they're cheap, they're bright yellow so you
can find them after launch, and if they get stuck in a tree, just pull on
the mono and it cuts right through 'em and you get the line back.

Plus, it gives you signal a clean, fresh scent!

Also, it's a lot of fun to try and hit the other operating positions after
the bands go dead and the 807s have been opened!

Ward N0AX

>From tim.ellam@logical.cuc.ab.ca (Tim Ellam)  Fri Jun 17 13:22:00 1994
From: tim.ellam@logical.cuc.ab.ca (Tim Ellam) (Tim Ellam)
Subject: Certificates
Message-ID: <40121.1000.uupcb@logical.cuc.ab.ca>

Hey CQ is getting much better!. I can remember a 2-3 year lag time
before the certificates were received.

Last year I wrote to CQ about missing certificates and received a phone
call in response(from K1AR no less!) and the missing certificates were
received in a few weeks.


| Logical Solutions Computer Systems Inc.       Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
| Internet: logical.cuc.ab.ca                   (403)-299-9900 24 Lines  |

><JR6205@LUNDY.NIAGARAC.ON.CA  Fri Jun 17 22:42:40 1994
Message-ID: <940617174240.20e01533@LUNDY.NIAGARAC.ON.CA>

please send me the times for tomorrows contest.
i think exchange is member # and grid......
john, ve3ll  in grid fn03

>From barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner)  Sat Jun 18 01:33:41 1994
From: barry@w2up.wells.com (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Subject: Apology to K3EST
Message-ID: <um93Nc1w165w@w2up.wells.com>

I received a few comments regarding my "terminology" describing K3EST. I 
guess I was a little strong, and apologize for that.

I do stand by my assertion that there is no excuse for ignoring a polite
inquiry with SASE regarding status of a missing certificate for a contest 
73 Barry

Barry N. Kutner, W2UP       Usenet/Internet: barry@w2up.wells.com
Newtown, PA                 Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
                            Packet Cluster: W2UP >K2TW (FRC)

>From J.P. Kleinhaus" <aa2du@netcom.com  Sat Jun 18 15:35:19 1994
From: J.P. Kleinhaus" <aa2du@netcom.com (J.P. Kleinhaus)
Subject: Contest Certificates
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9406180753.A16594-0100000@netcom11>

OK OK...sounds like it's time to make another pile, no??

Please note (yet another) NEW address!!

On Fri, 17 Jun 1994, Steve Harrison wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Jun 1994, J.P. Kleinhaus wrote:
> > Yes...here is a good suggestion. If I thought it would make the process go
> > faster, I would include the whole damn envelope, postage included.
> > 
> That would increase the height of that pile of logs to at least 5 
> feet..Steve KO0U/4

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>  Sat Jun 18 16:05:07 1994
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH@TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Subject: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list
Message-ID: <771951907.789341.GARLOUGH@TGV.COM>

  CQ-CONTEST@TGV.COM Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List
                   Revised:  February 9, 1994


CQ-CONTEST@TGV.COM is an electronic mail reflector dedicated to hams
interested in all types of amateur radio contesting.  This is a good
place for score reports, expedition rumors, and other contest-related
discussion or announcements.  This forum is more like the NCJ than
QST; INFO-HAMS@UCSD.EDU and rec.radio.amateur.misc are good places to
look for a more rounded discussion of the hobby.

Although there is overlap between contesters and DXers, CQ-CONTEST is
not a DX-oriented group.  DX@UNBC.EDU is an electronic mail mailing
list dedicated to the discussion of DXing.  For details on how to
subscribe to this and other mailing lists, consult the List of Lists
at the end of this message.

Each message you send to CQ-CONTEST@TGV.COM will be sent out to all
the other subscribers, kinda like a 2-meter repeater that has a
coverage radius of 12,000 miles or so.  Think of sending mail to the
list as the equivalent of an ANNOUNCE/FULL message on PacketCluster.
Use regular email to send a message to a specific individual.

Electronic mail is also different from packet radio, in that many
subscribers receive their email through commercial services such as
CompuServe and MCImail.  In essence, many people are paying for each
byte of every message sent to CQ-CONTEST.  In order to minimize
spurious messages, follow the operating hints detailed below.

How do I join CQ-CONTEST?

Subscription management is handled automatically by a program that
answers mail send to CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST@TGV.COM.  Send a message to
CQ-CONTEST-REQUEST@TGV.COM that says SUBSCRIBE if you wish to join the
group, or UNSUBSCRIBE if you want to drop out.  The Subject: line is
ignored.  Messages sent to CQ-CONTEST@TGV.COM are broadcast to *all*
readers, so don't send subscription requests there.

What are the suggested "operating practices" for CQ-CONTEST?

Put your name and call sign on every message you send.  We don't all
know everyone by just a call or a nickname.

Use a subject line that indicates the true subject of your message.

Wait a while before answering someone's question.  Six other people
have probably answered it already.  Most answers should go directly 
to the person who posed the question, rather than to the list.

Unlike PacketCluster, many people pay $$$ when they receive messages.
Some people pay per message, some per byte.  Therefore, please take
this into consideration when writing a response.  Would you pay $0.50
to read the message that you just wrote?

Eschew flamage.  If someone sends a flame to the list and you can't
bite your tongue, send your flaming reply directly back to the flaming
individual, not back to the list.  No one wants to pay $1.00 to read
these messages (the original flame + your reply).  Treat flamers the
way you would 2-meter repeater jammers - ignore them.

Make sure there is something of value in each message you send to the
list.  Avoid messages that are a complete reprint of someone else's
message, with nothing but "I agree" or "Me too" added to the bottom --
not much value there.

Some people pay by the byte, so when following up to someone else's
message, be sure to include only the essential pieces or thread of
the note.  Don't include those 20 extra header lines that your mail
gateway tacked onto the original message.

How can I find out the email address of a particular contester?

John Pescatore, WB2EKK (pescatore_jt@ncsd.gte.com), and George Fremin,
WB5VZL (geoiii@bga.com), maintain fairly current lists of 
contester email addresses.  Send a note to them asking for their
lists.  You can also get a list of registered CQ-Contest subscribers 
by sending a message to CQ-Contest-Request@TGV.COM that says REVIEW.

How can I find out more about the Internet?

Pick up a copy of the book _The Internet Companion_ by Tracy LaQuey,
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-62224-6.  If your local technical book
store doesn't carry it, you can order from Computer Literacy,
2590 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95131.  Their phone number is

73,  The Wouff Hong
List of Lists

        Contest forum

        DX forum

        QRP forum

        VHF forum

        Old ham gear forum

        VHF forum

        N6TR logging program forum

        K1EA's CT logging program forum

        forum for people with technical ham related questions (antennas, 
        radios, digital communications, etc) to share information with 
        each other

        distribution list for the dissemination of official news and 
        information from the American Radio Relay League (the "League")

        distribution list for the dissemination of volunteer examination 
        information in New England

        Bidirectional mailing list with Usenet group rec.radio.amateur.antenna

        A discussion group for people interested in ham radio applications of
        the Jolitz 386BSD software.

        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup(s) 

        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup rec.radio.amateur.equipment

        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup rec.radio.amateur.homebrew

        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup rec.radio.amateur.policy

        The HAM-RADIO mailing list is an experimental digest using subject
        grouping and MIME encapsulation to provide a daily dose of ham radio
        related traffic from the Usenet

        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup rec.radio.amateur.space

        Bidirectional gateway with Usenet newsgroup rec.radio.amateur.misc

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