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email address list

Subject: email address list
From: geoiii@bga.com (george fremin iii)
Date: Sat Jul 23 10:57:38 1994
A few weeks ago I mailed copies of the email address list out
to everyone that is on it. 
If you sent me mail asking to be included in this list and did not
receive a copy - let me know - it is best if you do this in the manner
discribed below.  

If you would like a copy of the list - I will add you to it and then
send you a copy in a week or so. 

To be added to the list - or to get the list you never got 
you need to send me an email message with the following. 
1. your callsign(s)
2. your FRIST and LAST name. 
3. your email address 
I will only send the list to people who are on it. 
I will only add a person if THEY email me the above info - so
dont bother sending me the info for all your friends. 


George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.                        

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