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[CQ-Contest] Hamradio 1998 (Germany)

Subject: [CQ-Contest] Hamradio 1998 (Germany)
From: dippel@rrze.uni-erlangen.de (Dieter Dippel)
Date: Thu May 7 09:27:42 1998
Hamradio Vention 1998 (Germany)
Europes biggest Hamradio Event (app. 20.000 visitors) 

Place:  Friedrichshafen, Bodensee (Lake Constance)
        South-West Germany (close to the Swiss- and Austrian Border)

*     Attention: Opening days have changed this year !!!     *
*         Thursday to Saturday - Sunday is closed.           *

Bavarian Contest Club (BCC):
You are welcome to stop by in hall 9 (formerly flea market), booth 47
...in the center of the hall - look for the Bavarian Flag.

Evening DX- and Contest Meetings:
A meeting of contesters and DXers will be organized as in previous years
by the BCC (Bavarian Contest Club) and the RRDXA (Rhein Ruhr DX Association)
on Thursday and Friday evening.

        Friday, 26th of June
Start:  app. 19:30 Local Time
End:    ???? as long as you stay there ... !!! 

Place:  Restaurant "Adler" in Ailingen (app. 5km from the fair)
A detailed road map is available at the BCC booth.

Time:   12.00 'til 14.00 Local Time
More information as soon as it becomes available ... pse qrx ...

DARC DX-Meeting:
Time:   16:00 Local Time 

IOTA Meeting:
DK1RV and the German IOTA-Gang is planing an IOTA-Meeting, too ....
Details as soon as they are available .... pse qrx ...
For more details, events, meetings and information ....

pse visit the Webpage of the Bavarian Contest Club

Hope to see you .....
73 de Dieter, DF4RD and the whole BCC-Gang

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com

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  • [CQ-Contest] Hamradio 1998 (Germany), Dieter Dippel <=