NS for Friday, July 11 at 0230Z
Sorry for the paucity of announcements the past few weeks. I have been
mostly out of touch with the internet of late, biking in rural Ireland (and
not getting wet).
NSL Rules (with the addition of 15 meters) will continue for July 11, July
18 and July 25 at 0230Z. The NS Ladder will resume on August 1.
Local start times: 1930 Pacific, 2030 Mountain, 2130 Central, 2230 Eastern
Time -- Thursday Night -- 30 minutes exactly.
- 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 meters, 40 KHz up from band edge (1810-1820 kHz)
- 100 watts maximum
- Sprint format (1,1)
- mults per band
Send reports to http://www.3830scores.com/
(Tnx WA7BNM)
Important rules:
1) Strictly observe the time limits . . see
http://www.ncccsprint.com/rules.html paragraph "Time".
2) After 2nd Q of couplet, please leave a pause for the cq'ing
station to ask for fills.
NCCC-blue reflector: All are invited to join this low-volume
reflector for discussing NS and NS Ladder topics. Sign up at:
http://www.kkn.net/mailman/listinfo/nccc-blue Phil, W6PK will see
to your request.
Please join in with Ken, N6RO at 0300Z for a recap following the NS - 3630
73 de Tom, N3ZZ
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