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[CQ-Contest] World Wide Digi DX Contest Results

To: "'CQ Contest'" <cq-contest@contesting.com>, <rttydigital@groups.io>, "'WSJT software development'" <wsjt-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] World Wide Digi DX Contest Results
From: "Ed Muns" <ed@w0yk.com>
Reply-to: ed@w0yk.com
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 22:06:18 -0800
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
WWROF and SCC are pleased to announce the results of the inaugural WW Digi 
contest held at the end of August 2019:


There is the main article followed by a number of supporting tables and data 
plus a link to the Scores Database which provides a convenient means to slice 
up the results in countless ways.  Individual certificates may be printed 
locally using the link at the end of each entry in the Scores Database.

Thanks to all who participated and especially those who submitted logs, all of 
which contributed to better log checking accuracy for everyone.    Individual 
LCRs (Log Check Reports) will be sent upon request to w0yk@ww-digi.com. 

Thanks also to the many generous plaque sponsors for supporting this new 
contest.  A number of invaluable volunteers supported the contest development 
and management in the background: Randy K5ZD, Ken K1EA, Tine S50A, Steve N8BJQ, 
Gator N5RZ, Mark N5OT, Tim K3LR, WSJT-X development team, MSHV, N1MM+, 
WriteLog/DigiRite and the RBN.

We look forward to and even bigger and better WW Digi on 29-30 August 2020.

WW-Digi Contest Committee
        Iztok S52D
        Don AA5AU
        Ed W0YK

CQ-Contest mailing list

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