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[CQ-Contest] ROSS HULL Who was he?

To: "cq-contest@contesting.com" <cq-contest@contesting.com>
Subject: [CQ-Contest] ROSS HULL Who was he?
From: Trent Sampson <vk4ts@outlook.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2021 20:46:34 +0000
List-post: <mailto:cq-contest@contesting.com>
ROSS HULL Who was he?


Ross Hull was born in St. Arnaud, Victoria a son of (Presbyterian) Rev. Henry 
Tremlett Hull (1858 – 1 January 1933) and his wife Mabel Constance Josephine 
Hull (née Amos) (c. 1866 – 13 July 1931), and was educated at Williamstown High 
School and Ballarat College.

He trained as an architect, but had a keen interest in the rapidly developing 
field of wireless communication. He took a leading part in experiments which 
demonstrated the value of shorter wavelengths for commercial communication. He 
was first in Australia to relay (receive and rebroadcast) an overseas wireless 
programme, through 3LO shortly after it was opened He was vice president of the 
Victorian Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia in 1923.

In 1925 Hull abandoned architecture and began practising in Sydney as a 
consulting radio engineer. He was elected Federal Secretary of the Wireless 
Institute and the Australian Radio Relay League  He was a key figure in 
ground-breaking communication experiments between the U.S. and Australia In 
1927 he went to the United States, to work with the headquarters staff of the 
American Radio Relay League on the production of the league's magazine QST, 
then director of the ARRL Experimental Laboratory.

He returned to Australia in 1929, to take up the post of technical editor of 
Wireless Weekly in Sydney. A year or two later he resumed his experimental and 
journalism work with ARRL at Hartford, Connecticut. He was particularly 
interested in UHF communication and built a radio-controlled glider. Early in 
1938 he assumed American nationality and was appointed editor of QST.

For over six months he was actively engaged in experiments in television, then 
was killed when he accidentally received a shock of 6,000 volts while 
experimenting with television apparatus in the laboratory of his summer 
residence at Vernon, Connecticut


The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) has run a contest in the memory of 
Ross Hull since 1950 and this year I have been appointed manager.

The Contest is a DX based Marathon on VHF and up bands for the entire month of 
January and there is no reason anyone, anywhere doesn’t enter and send in a log.

The Rules are simple – Work anyone on SSB CW or Digital any day over the month, 
repeat contacts are allowed every day and pick either the best seven days or 
two days from the entire month. Scoring is 1 point up to 100km 2 points 200km 
etc, we have N1MM UDC created thanks to Les G4OGB and the VK Contest logger 
VKCL also caters for the contest.

If you are a Contest columnist for your local club or better still National 
magazine, please get in touch for more details.


Po Box 275 Mooloolaba QLD 4557
Mobile 0408497550

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