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[ct-user] Using master.dta from ram

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] Using master.dta from ram
From: cwman@juno.com (Fred W Hoffert) (Fred W Hoffert)
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 19:16:32 PST
On Thu, 20 Mar 1997 07:51:47 -0500 (EST) KC0EI@aol.com writes:
>The answer is that the w9xt card will not work with ct9.27.  This is a 
>problem..it works fine with ct9.14.  Somewhere after 9.14 ct changed
>something and it does not work on SSB.  It works fine on CW.
>If anyone out there has an answer, it would be appreciated.
>73,  Tom  k0zm/kc0ei

Tom, I just bought the W9XT contest card the week before ARRL SSB and
used it on SSB during the test with CT v9.27.  If you have read all of
the documentation and can't fix it I suggest sending a message to Gary
Sutcliffe, W9XT, at:   ppvvpp@mixcom.com 

As previously suggested, if you are trying to use the card with 9.27 and
configuring the card as LPT2, it ain't gonna happen for you.

And, even though I'd rather work CW I haven't even tried the card on CW. 
I bought it just to use in phone contests (Ick!).

73 es gl,

The ham formerly known as WA0QOA

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