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[ct-user] SS and Packet

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] SS and Packet
From: ve2zp@bbs.ve3jf.ampr.org (ve2zp@bbs.ve3jf.ampr.org)
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 07:28:00 EST

Thanks very much for those scores.  I played around a bit, but found the aurora
on 6m more interesting.  

Good luck from VE6JY in two weeks.  

Do you have plans for the WW CW?  I'm going to miss it.  I was hoping to return
to VE3EJ, but Jan's working, so I'll stay home to mind the girls, and piddle
around when I can find a spare moment.  I imagine putting in a 160m LP log.

73, Dave
PS: I have a new REAL e-mail address: VE2ZP@newforce.ca

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