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[ct-user] CT numbering problem

To: <ct-user@contesting.com>
Subject: [ct-user] CT numbering problem
From: Dan Robbins <kl7y@alaska.net> (Dan Robbins)
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 16:53:12 +0100
I tried downloading CT950 and using the -py5eg switch.  It did renumber
the QSOs, but they did not come out right.  When there was a dupe it
assigned  the next sequential number to the dupe, as expected, but then
assigned the very same number to the next valid QSO.  I have two entries
with the same number - one a dupe, one a good Q.  Dupes have to be
assigned their own number, not share it.
As an example, on 15 we had 102 dupes - my screen says the last QSO on
15 was #3762.  We sent 3864 (3762+102) for that QSO.

Any suggestions on how to get this fixed?

Dan KL7Y

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