Hi all,
proceeding with the test of CTWIN 9.90.007
found this:
Alt-A Packet Cluster Callouts
Ctrl- -> to get focus on that window
if you do PageUp-Down to select different views and then ESC (All OK)
if you hit Enter (while the focus is in the window) CTWIN crashes.
(Please note there are no SPOT's on the window yet
so Enter just selects a VOID spot.
Didn't do the check with spots present in window.
Here the crash report (Windows2000)
"The software instruction 0x7c34177a refer to
memory address 0x00000018. Memory can't be read."
Did anybody already found this?
Is there any workaround already?
Thanks all.
Bob,I2WIJ (one of J49Z next CQWW SSB)
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