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Re: [Karlnet] KN-200 PoE update

To: "Karlnet Mailing List" <karlnet@wispnotes.com>
Subject: Re: [Karlnet] KN-200 PoE update
From: "Norm Young" <lists@applegatebroadband.net>
Reply-to: Norm Young <lists@applegatebroadband.net>, Karlnet Mailing List<karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 13:19:21 -0700
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
I did get a bright yellow warning page, that I read completely.  It referred
me to the system integration guide that  talked about using...a fan.

I was just running the system on the bench, and the damn thing requires a
(Where, exactly is a bit of a question.)   It's not like it was sitting
inside an enclosure, or at least one that was closed.  It has substantial
vents and the cover was off! Ambient was 75 degrees F, not exactly roasting.
This thing is fragile!   Not very robust hardware, IMO.

If the board requires a fan, then, by all means, spend the extra $2, Karlnet
and put one on it.   Let's not dance around the issue, put a mount right
where the heat is generated.  Then it would be clear, very clear that
running this board without a fan is an exercise in futility.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Caleb Carroll" <karlnet@pathcom.ca>
To: "Norm Young" <lists@applegatebroadband.net>; "Karlnet Mailing List"
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Karlnet] KN-200 PoE update

I personally wouldn't ever consider running one of these without cooling.  I
tested out a KN-100 sitting on my desk with no radio card and the
temperature would climb to 48C (ambient is about 20C).  This was using a 9V,
1W power supply.

When you got the KN-100 or KN-200 board did you get a bright yellow
WARNING!!! page that tells you to look at the max temperature specs in the
System Integration guide?  If you didn't, where did you buy the board from?

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 2003-Oct-03 at 11:24 AM Norm Young wrote:

>Caleb, just ambient (about 75F).  No fans.
>If I need a fan, I want my money back, as this thing is going to go on a
>solar powered WIPOP, and the last thing I want is cooling systems sucking
>down very, very precious power.
>As a side note, I've bypassed the PoE, and the system is running off the
>standard power connector, and so far, has run about an hour and a half.  No
>hissing noise now.    Temperature (which is indicated in all of the
>configurators, as far as I can see---currently I'm using 4.43) is right at
>49C, 120F.  This is in a well ventilated, metal enclosure with the cover
>off!   Ambient is about 75F.
>And the system ran for about a hour, then died again.  Definately RMA or
>money back time....
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Caleb Carroll" <karlnet@pathcom.ca>
>To: "Norm Young" <lists@applegatebroadband.net>; "Karlnet Mailing List"
>Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 8:51 AM
>Subject: Re: [Karlnet] KN-200 PoE update
>Just out of curiosity... Were you using anything to cool the board?
>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>On 2003-Oct-03 at 8:31 AM Norm Young wrote:
>>Hooked up the PoE supply using the recommended polarity, and a 12vdc
>>(about 12.5vdc).   The board ran fine (a bit warm, 50 degrees C in open
>>(indicated temp. from configurator), pulling about .6A.  Loaded SG-4400
>>(v4.43a).   Ran for awhile with the hardware reboot timer enabled, but it
>>looked like it was doing serial reboots, so disabled the timer.
>>Worked fine for about 24 hours, then this morning, noticed that the board
>>was offline and there was a hissing sound coming from the circuits.
>>12.2vdc.   Did a hard reboot, and the board came up for  a few minutes,
>>went right back to offline.   Changed the polarity to 7/8 positive and 4/5
>>negative.  Board has come up and stayed up for the last 5 minutes, but the
>>hissing sound persists.
>>More to come...
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "Dan Metcalf" <dan.metcalf@wbsysnet.com>
>>To: "'Karlnet Mailing List'" <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 6:52 AM
>>Subject: RE: [Karlnet] KN-200 PoE
>>> I would suggest that no more than 14-18volts go into the unit, and don't
>>> use the moto injectors as they are reversed and cause's the unit to hiss
>>> and will burn out the board or the injector in time
>>> if you keep (Ethernet port at kn200) voltage around 12volts, you should
>>> be ok
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: karlnet-bounces@WISPNotes.com
>>> [mailto:karlnet-bounces@WISPNotes.com]
>>> > On Behalf Of Charles Chia Sheng Wu
>>> > Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 11:32 PM
>>> > To: Norm Young; Karlnet Mailing List
>>> > Subject: RE: [Karlnet] KN-200 PoE
>>> >
>>> > actually, no
>>> > due to overheating issues, there's now a power supply range to use
>>> (and
>>> > ONLY
>>> > use)
>>> >
>>> > -Charles
>>> >
>>> > -----Original Message-----
>>> > From: karlnet-bounces@WISPNotes.com
>>> > [mailto:karlnet-bounces@WISPNotes.com]On Behalf Of Norm Young
>>> > Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:01 PM
>>> > To: Karlnet Mailing List
>>> > Subject: [Karlnet] KN-200 PoE
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I'm trying to power up one of the new KN-200 boards.  I'm looking at
>>> the
>>> > PoE
>>> > specs in the User Guide, and it appears that you can use any voltage
>>> from
>>> > 12-48vdc, and any polarity scheme on 4/5, 7/8.  So, I thought I'd go
>>> with
>>> > roughly 15vdc,  7/8 positive and 4/5 negative.   I'm hoping that this
>>> is
>>> > correct.  (If so, it's pretty impressive.)
>>> >
>>> > Norm
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
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