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RE: [work] [Karlnet] 5 Minute Total Loss of Traffic on KN-205

To: "'Karlnet Mailing List'" <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Subject: RE: [work] [Karlnet] 5 Minute Total Loss of Traffic on KN-205
From: "Randy Byrd" <rbyrd@t-speed.net>
Reply-to: Karlnet Mailing List <karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 19:55:26 -0500
List-post: <mailto:karlnet@WISPNotes.com>
Same problem here but with an AP1000 with indoor amp running Version 4.43
karlnet I restart the amp traffic comes back.  Very frustrating.


-----Original Message-----
From: karlnet-bounces@WISPNotes.com [mailto:karlnet-bounces@WISPNotes.com]
On Behalf Of Phillip Britt
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 6:43 PM
To: 'Karlnet Mailing List'
Subject: [work] [Karlnet] 5 Minute Total Loss of Traffic on KN-205

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing a strange problem with the
KN-205's, running the 4.44-01 firmware.

We have 3 KN-205 boards in service all on different sites.  About every
2-3 days clients will stop responding for around 5 minutes and then they
are fine again.

I managed to catch one of the sites do it today, and when l look at the
turbocell station entries, you can see the re-transmit counters
incrementing and nothing else.

I ran a Wireless Link Test on some of the clients and it runs normally
with no issue, shows good strong signal and no packet loss.

It's a bit like the bridging side of the system just stops and then
starts again.  All the time the KN-205 is full accessible for management
and doesn't reboot.

All our clients are KN-50's, 2 of the KN-205's have around 6 clients
each the other has 16 clients.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Phillip Britt
Wideband Networks Pty Ltd

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