Single OP., All Band, High Power
QSOs QTCs Multipliers
80m: 39 0 64
40m: 224 200 186
20m: 208 180 142
15m: 259 320 136
10m: 343 696 142
Total: 1073 + 1396 * 670 = 1654230
Station Description: IC-746, 4CX1600B (Homemade) 1200 Watts
Antenna(s): TH7DX @ 125 ft; TH6DXX @ 65 ft (fixed on Europe)
S402 @ 135 ft; 80 meter Inverted V @ 120 ft
Remarks: Thanks to all who were kind enough to work me. Appreciate all the
contacts and QTCs. Also, thanks to the contest committee.
Activity was good and the bands were cooperative. Eighty meters was noisy
on Saturday night (local time) caused by storms in the Midwest USA.
Couple of problems were experienced. One occurred in the first hour as the
power out and the drive from the radio to amp. was not as usual. Found the
soundcard output plug had moved out slightly (probably kicked out by the
opr. - need smaller shoes or maybe operate only in my socks) and not making
good contact. Apologies go to all who I tried to work in the first hour as
the signal must have sounded awful. That was the only hardware problem.
A software problem occurred in RITTY late Sat. (local time). The RITTY
tuning indicator was not tracking the received signal. Also, the cursor
would not activate the RITTY bandwidth. Had to restart the computer to get
it working.
Again, thanks to the folks who participated and to the contest committee.
Look for you in the next one.
Mike, K4GMH