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To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] NAQP - CW
From: ki7wo at juno.com (Alan KI7WO)
Date: Sun Aug 3 15:50:10 2003
Hi Dick,
> No propagation at all in the Black Hole of mid Missouri.
This is certainly true at time, even for the western side of Missouri.

>I listened for calls in the NAQP-CW contest and there was very few I
heard or could copy.  
I only worked 38 States in the NAQP CW Test with my "monster station".  A
small tribander up 25 feet, & a Shortened Vertical for 40 & 80. Certainly
challenging with 100 watts and the summer noise, but I can usually work
anything I can hear.  200 Q's in ten hours S & P is certainly not going
to break any records but "I Had Fun" anyways

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