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[RTTY] SARTG WW Rtty Contest next weekend

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] SARTG WW Rtty Contest next weekend
From: sm7bhm at kristianstad.mail.telia.com (Ewe Håkansson)
Date: Sun Aug 10 14:53:35 2003

Next weekend is SARTG WW Rtty Contest 2003, the friendly contest
operate 3 x 8 hours seperated by 8 hour of rest. 
Please submit electronic logs as plain ASCII-files
The Cabrillo format is prefered but not mandatory

The updated rules:

for WF1B-users look at the following

Hope to print you all.

73 de Ewe SM7BHM
SARTG Contest manager

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