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[RTTY] Another WM2U Contesting Concept...Get's Thumbs Up!!

To: <rtty@contesting.com>
Subject: [RTTY] Another WM2U Contesting Concept...Get's Thumbs Up!!
From: MRBILL1953 at aol.com (MRBILL1953@aol.com)
Date: Thu Jun 26 14:04:39 2003
Greeting All:

I'm very proud to share with you an article that was just published in the 
ARRL Hudson Division Beacon for June 2003. I believe after you read this 
COMPLETE article you'll see why TARA is ecstatic to have Ernie Mills, WM2U, 
what he does best...developing & implementing  new contesting concepts for the 
21st Century. All of these contest are the direct result of Ernie's passion for 
the digital modes, with the exception of the RTTY Melee. But even that contest 
is now under going changes to bring it up to the "WM2U" standard of 
contesting! I personally would like to thank Ernie and ALL of our Four Seasons 
Contesting Managers for volunteering their personal services. As you'll read 
your efforts and Ernie's concepts are NOT going unnoticed.

Also, I'd like to thank a lot of you that have written to us 
directly/indirectly for your input, suggestions, comments, queries and good old 
support. We've needed you in the past and we need you now more than ever! I 
you'll support ALL of these exciting and challenging contests and then we'll 
who win's the Tour'ney. 

I wish to thank Frank Fallon, N2FF, ARRL Hudson Division Director and his 
staff of the Hudson Division Beacon for the beautiful write up and the vote of 
 de NY2U "Mr.Bill"


The TARA PSK Grid Square contest (The Grid Dip). Sponsored by Troy ARA,
0000z through 2400z, 2 August, PSK (and speed) and RTTY.
80,40,20,15,10,6 meters. Work stations once per band unless Rover has
changed Locator. Exchange name, 4 digit grid locator. Enter 1 of 5
categories. QRP, 5w max. Low, 20w max. High, 100w max. Rover, 50w max.
as a portable or mobile station operating from more than one Grid
Locator, or SWL. Single/single only. Call CQ Grid Dip. Final score is
QSO points * total different Grid Locators. Mults. count once per band.
To be valid, scores must be received via our online score submission
form found at http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_score.html or e-mail
Logs to grid-manager@n2ty.org, by the last entry date 23rd August 2003.
Logs must be available for review if requested. Please read web rules
for details on http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_grid_rules.html for more
info e-mail to Bill Eddy, ny2u@n2ty.org or Ernie Mills, wm2u@n2ty.org 

Originally announced for July 26, the test now occupies the 24 GMT hours
of 2 August.? Please note the change. This test is a wide-open
shoot-out. All bands are included (80 to 6) and PSK31/63 and RTTY are
the weapons available to the participants. There are some unusual rules
including an exchange that includes the 4 digit Grid Locator.? Note also
that only single/single ops are allowed.? Rules at
Jump into this one! Multiple mode contests may just be the contest of
the future. But that is not all TARA is doing.

This contest is but an integral part of the new TARA approach to their
contest schedule. After restructuring their calendar they came up with
one event for each season of the year Prefix contest for Spring, Grid
Shindig for summer, PSK Rumble for fall and RTTY Melee for winter. TARA
then decided to create a whole new class of shack wallpaper. Each year a
Digital King or Queen, whoever has the
highest combined score, will be crowned as the BIG ONE. Neat idea! I
trust they have ordered appropriate crowns.

Four Seasons Contesting Calendar
Proudly Sponsored By TARA - N2TY: 

Contest/Tour'ney Creator:
Ernie Mills, WM2U  -  wm2u@n2ty.org

Contest Managers:
The Grid Dip - Tony, N3FX  -  grid-manager@n2ty.org
The psk-rtty Rumble - Ed, KC2HNC  -  rumble-manager@n2ty.org
The Skirmish - Chris, N8PSK  -  skirmish-manager@n2ty.org
The RTTY Melee - Bill, NY2U  -  melee-manager@n2ty.org

Karen, KB2UUC -   press-manager@n2ty.org

Contest Assistants:
Joe, N2NOU  -  n2nou@n2ty.org

Four Seasons Contesting Web Design:
Ernie Mills, WM2U  -  wm2u@n2ty.org
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  • [RTTY] Another WM2U Contesting Concept...Get's Thumbs Up!!, MRBILL1953@aol.com <=