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[RTTY] XR0X books for sale

To: RTTY@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] XR0X books for sale
From: Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 <faunt@panix.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2003 15:33:08 -0400 (EDT)
List-post: <mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hi all,
I've ended up with the task of selling a few copies of the book about
the XR0X DXpedition, of which I was a member, and on which I made over
3000 RTTY QSO's.  A CDROM is included with many photos, video and
other information.  I think that KK6EK has done a great job on putting
this book together, including research on the history and nature of
the island.

If anyone on the is list would like a copy of this book at
$25. including shipping in the US, please send me email.  I'll take
overseas orders, but we'll have to negotiate the shipping.

You can see an image of the cover at
http://www.cordell.orgs/htdocs/index.html, down at the bottom.

73, doug

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