And after a while, you can get really close by ear.
Also, some radios have tuning indicators built-in, and they seem to work
pretty well.
73, doug
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 13:15:22 -0500
From: "Doug Hall" <>
Content-Disposition: inline
In order to use an oscilloscope for RTTY tuning you need a terminal
unit with mark and space filter outputs, or at the very least you need
a couple of filters at the mark and space frequencies that can be
connected to the X and Y inputs of the scope. And you need to set your
scope to X vs. Y mode. Just about any old oscilloscope will do fine -
in fact you don't need one with triggered sweep since you aren't using
the sweep generator at all.
But honestly, I wouldn't bother. I used an oscilloscope for RTTY
tuning for many years, but gave it up back when I started using
software modems. I have not missed it. The tuning scope in the program
I use (cocoaModem running under Mac OS X) is excellent.
Doug, K4DSP
On Nov 29, 2007 12:20 PM, John MacFarlane
<> wrote:
> Are 'hardware' oscilloscopes commonly used these days for tuning and
> monitoring RTTY signals - is it essential or nice to have? I know that
> some software has a proxy scope that can be displayed on a computer
> screen but from time to time I see references to the use of test
> equipment.
> Is a piece of hardware 'better' for tuning-in a signal than doing it by
> eye on the computer screen - or relying on a software scope?
> How is the oscilloscope actually connected to the system to monitor the
> signal - is it a 'hard' connections? I'm a relatively new ham so please
> don't take knowledge for granted in response - many thanks 73
> John VE7AXU / VA7PX
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