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[RTTY] 50th A. VOLTA RTTY IY1A @IQ1RY, next weekend 24h contest

To: rtty@contesting.com
Subject: [RTTY] 50th A. VOLTA RTTY IY1A @IQ1RY, next weekend 24h contest
From: Salvatore Irato <iw1ayd@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 11:24:44 +0200
List-post: <rtty@contesting.com">mailto:rtty@contesting.com>
Hi all.

Just to say that next weekend there will be the 50th Alessandro VOLTA RTTY Contest.

The main page is at: http://www.contestvolta.com/

English rules PDF is at: http://www.contestvolta.com/rules.pdf

This year we will operate from the IQ1RY club station with a new call sign IY1A, as MULTI-OP.
More about the Marconi commemorative call sign IY1A  on QRZ.com
As it was for IY1GMS, two years ago, we are really excited to use such a call series IY!

We hope to meet everybody on air, new and old friends.
We also hope that the prop will not goes crazy as it was for the ARI DX International. The last weekend was still enjoying for both club members and guest operators, but fatiguing at least. We will see all together.

For this VOLTA here will be someone new and someone old for the club. We will team all under some new umbrella, WX say it will raining a lot :-). But also we will have a new YAGI to test. As usual N1MM+ will be the string to tie all on air, K3's, filters banks, switches and radio controllers.

Our best thanks to I2DMI Frank and IK2LOL Bob for the efforts, before and after the next VOLTA weekend!

73 from the whole bunch of IY1A @IQ1RY operators for the 50th A. VOLTA RTTY

iw1ayd Salvo, IW1QN Fede, IZ5RKW Fulvio, I1BEP Renato and IZ1PLH Salvo

PS The contest log due date is 31 May 2016 - only via emails or uploads.
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