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[SECC] Line Noise

Subject: [SECC] Line Noise
From: (K4SB)
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 20:16:40 +0000
Dan/W4NTI wrote:

Sounds like a electric fence.  A pool heater, fish tank heater,
I tend to agree with Dan. Also, add an electric blanket to the list,
any automatic plugins which control lights, and ANY device with a self
reset circuit breaker. ( these are notorius in "bricks" ) Could also
be the transformer for the doorbell(s).

The very first thing I would do is identify the circuit breaker which
feeds the RX, UNPLUG EVERYTHING else in the shack, and then power down
the entire house (except for that single breaker of course). Hopefully
someone can turn the breakers back on 1 at a time. Also, do not ignore
the possibility that you have an arcing switch somewhere in the house.
I found one controlling the hallway lights purely by accident. Noticed
when I turned it on, it emitted a brief spark from the switch.

Of course, if the noise remains, turn off the master breaker to the
house. The noise should then go away.

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