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[SECC] ARRL Rate Sheet

Subject: [SECC] ARRL Rate Sheet
From: (Dick Bentley)
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 20:43:45 -0700 (PDT)
If you haven't seen this elsewhere, a new service from

* ARRL Contest Rate Sheet offers timely news for
active and casual
contesters: The ARRL Contest Rate Sheet--a newsletter
for those with an
interest in contests and contesting--is available for
e-mail delivery
free-of-charge to ARRL members. (It's also posted on
the ARRL Web site.)
Members can sign up now for delivery. The Rate Sheet
editor is Ward
Silver, N0AX, who also edits "Contest Corral" in QST
and is a regular
contributor to other QST departments as well as to
National Contest
Journal. Each issue of the Rate Sheet includes news,
announcements and
notices for a two-week period, plus contest tips and
briefs. Silver invites suggestions for content and
organization via e-mail
to ARRL members can subscribe to
the ARRL Contest
Rate Sheet by logging onto the ARRL Web site as a
member, then going to
the Member Data Page
"Which of the following would you like to receive
via email from ARRL?" check the box for "ARRL Contest
Rate Sheet (biweekly
contest newsletter)."

Dick  K2UFT

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