-----Original Message-----
From: Dan/W4NTI
>Isn't Don Miller still in jail??? I sure do remember his antics Fill the
new guys/gals in
Haven't received a Birthday card from old W9WNV in several years so don't
know his QTH at present. Here's a coupl'a URLs that will shed some light on
his tribulations over the years. And also serve as a refresher to the old,
or a lesson to the new Ham, on the perils that lurk with striving to work
the elusive "New One".
The dx porthole site has several pages of info, on each of the featured
DXers, thats been lost with time. Anyone thats never had the opportunity to
work Gus Browning, and the other opr's listed on this page should spend a
little time while the condx are poor and get aquainted with them.
73 John WA4TT