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Subject: [SECC] CQ WW SSB Contst
From: (John T. Laney, III)
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2002 21:17:20 -0500
Hello all:  Hope everyone had fun in the SSB Contest this weekend.  It
is always a bit difficult for me due to the General Class license, but I
made a real effort this year and enjoyed the fully rotatable TH6DXX for
the first time in months.

Didn't count the hours, but it may have been close to 36.

FT1000MP, Alpha 78, 1 KW output, TH6DXX, dipole.

Band    QSOs    Zones    Countries

40        32        11            24
20        289        30            96
15        378        30            98
10        920        32            118
ALL    1619        103        336

4466 points x 439 toal mults = 1,960,574.

For the SEDXC Club comptition, there were 137 contest countries and 134
DXCC countries.  The other 3 were 4U1VIC, European Turkey, IT9.

Band conditions seemed to be much better Sunday rather than Saturday.  I
almost missed JA on 10 due to the QRT for the wedding Saturday night.  I
worked a number of JAs on 10 just before the contest, but couldn't get
one to answer once the contest started.  Then I was gone during the JA
opening Saturday night.  I did get JH7PKU with a lot of aurora on his
signal about 23Z Sunday.  During the night Saturday, I worked 9M6A on
20.  9M2 was worked late Saturday night on 15.  The band was open unitl
about midnight to JA and other areas.  VU2SWS called me on 10.

Guess I worked all zones but 33, 34 and 36.  Think I heard one BY on 15
late Saturday, but conditions to the far east were pretty poor and I
didn't even get a UA9 on 10.  I worked only one station in zones 34, 37
and 39 (SU9US, 5Z4IC, and FR5DX.

Lots of nice interesting DXpeditions and good operations.  8P8P was from
the same QTH I use in Barbados.

Have a nice week.


John, K4BAI.

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