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[SECC] ARRL 160M contest

Subject: [SECC] ARRL 160M contest
From: (
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 12:13:19 -0500
   Hi to everyone,
         Missed my second CQWW SSB in a row due to work and family
obligations. I am going to make sure that I do not miss the 160m contests and
am advertising for good CW contesters interested in multiopping in the ARRL
160m test in early December. Last year AA4S, AA4NN, and I broke the Roanoke
division Multiop record and had a great time even though both Ron and Joe were
bogged down with a serious case of the flu. I still have the 120 foot tall
tower vertical with 60 radials and have improved receive antennas over last
year with 500 foot long beverages towards the NE,E,SE,N/S,SW,W,and NW in
place. Two complete stations with FT1000MPs, filters, etc.
        Have separate station away from the house with full bathroom and food
prep. facilities.
 Oh yeah, located near Greenville, SC. Let me know if interested. 
 73, Ken n4uk

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