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Subject: [SECC] IARU and NAQP's
From: c_hurlbut at (Chris Hurlbut)
Date: Tue Jul 1 20:37:04 2003
Inbetween all this rain and my busy work schedule, I'm looking for a home for 
the IARU and NAQP Contests.  It's a bit last minute for IARU, but maybe someone 
has something? :)  Preferably fairly serious station for a single op, or member 
of a serious M/S in IARU.  SO2R?  

Anyone willing to give up their place for the NAQP's in August also? Single op 
or M/2 OK with me.

I had a wonderful time at Rick, NQ4I's, place in WPX CW on 40m, and it was 
great meeting several of the Dubya Fours.  Conditions are much better on 40m 
here than in KL7 in May.  Those Europeans with no flutter... :)

-Chris KL9A(/W4 in Marietta)

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