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[SECC] CQ WW Packet detection

Subject: [SECC] CQ WW Packet detection
From: thompson at (David L. Thompson)
Date: Wed Jul 30 12:41:45 2003
The August CQ has the results for the 2002 CQ WW SSB.  The write up also
mentions the use of packet detection software and using this they
reclassified a dozen stations to assisted from Single op.

There are several problems with this.  Its all to easy to fake a call as
spotting stations.  I know one fellow who was supposedly self spotting on 20
and he was single band 15.   The other is that many now use telnet or
Internet spotting nets.  Does the software discriminate between being
spotted and using spots.  If K4XXX operates 40 SSB Single band and gets
spotted by a DL does this put him in line for a change in classification.

I also wonder about detecting internet web spots.  If the spots are put on a
separate PC from
the one being used for the contest and the operator watches these and jumps
on new mults how is this detected?  What if the other PC is on a service
that is in a child's name or wife's name?
I can see detecting the main contest PC and using cookies to see the

The fake posts are even more of a problem on say Dx Summit.  I tried and can
post with almost anything I want.  Until telnet and Dx Summit (maybe eHam
spots too) come up with a log on and password that prohibits fake spots this
will be a problem (and maybe then those Europeans cussing each other will go
away too!).

I just hope this does not make people mad.  I still feel that until you
learn to become very efficient
with using spots the assisted op will do no better than the single op as
spots can be a distraction. I have talked with K3WW at length and he agrees
and he is the best at Assisted.  Then there was the N2RM test last year in
running multi with spots....proves the point.

73 Dave K4JRB

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