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[SECC] Fwd: [cq-l] NCVEC Files FCC Petition to End Code Tests

Subject: [SECC] Fwd: [cq-l] NCVEC Files FCC Petition to End Code Tests
From: jpryor at (Jay Pryor)
Date: Wed Jul 30 16:13:28 2003
What's this world comin' to?  Jeeez!

- Jay/K4OGG

>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1
>Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 12:13:58 -0400
>Subject: [cq-l] NCVEC Files FCC Petition to End Code Tests
>X-ecartis-version: Ecartis v1.0.0
> From the CQ Newsroom:
>The National Council of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (NCVEC), the 
>umbrella group that writes the amateur radio licensing exams, today filed 
>a petition with the Federal Communications Commission to eliminate Morse 
>code testing for amateur radio licenses in the United States and other 
>FCC-administered areas.
>Citing the decision by the 2003 World Radiocommunication Conference to 
>make Morse testing optional on a country-by-country basis, the NCVEC noted 
>that the United Kingdom and Switzerland had already acted to end Morse 
>examinations; stated that the Morse exam continues to be a barrier to 
>"otherwise qualified individuals" who want to become hams; that it is a 
>burden to applicants and examiners alike, and that code proficiency should 
>not be used to determine who may operate voice. It asked for the immediate 
>elimination of the Element 1 (code) exam requirement for any class of 
>amateur license.
>The NCVEC petition also calls for the FCC to grant Novice HF privileges to 
>current Technician Class licensees.
>The FCC has not yet given the proposal a rulemaking number, so it is not 
>yet possible to file comments. We will keep you posted when this occurs.
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