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Subject: [SECC] NAQP
From: GMacie at (Macie, Gordon)
Date: Fri Jan 9 09:54:00 2004
Im planing on a pretty casual attempt for cw.. Mainly for practice. Maybe
20/hr ??.. Hope for full time but not sure .. Its pretty cold in the
basement.. I will probably s&p and change bands frequently.. I need to run
at least some for the practice.. It will be interesting since everyone else
will be low power also.. If I do well in cw I'll probably make a more
serious effort for ssb. Weather was great Sunday and Bob w4bd came over with
his expert slingshot skills. I now have 4 more high supports for wire
antennas. I hope to get something up for 160 if the weather permits. I want
to get a 30m antenna up also.. Hopefully this spring I will finally finish
the first tower.. I have the first 40 meter vertical built. I still need to
tune it and put some radials out.. Progress is very slow but its progress..

Current Setup
80 sloping dipole about 70'
40 sloping dipole off the tower 35'   (also used on 15)
20 sloping dipole off the tower 35'
10 sloping dipole off the tower 30'

I should be able to at least double my height on 40 and twenty.. I plan to
leave the low ones up for stateside. Its more fun when you have more than 1
antenna on a band..


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Coleman []
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2004 8:07 AM
To: Macie, Gordon;
Subject: RE: [SECC] NAQP

On 12/29/03 8:50 AM, Macie, Gordon at wrote:

>I haven't operated a NAQP but it looks like a lot of band changing is a key
>to doing well.

Moving multiplers is a key strategy toward getting a higher score, but I 
think it only becomes definitive at the higher levels of the competition. 
You can make a decent score with less than a dozen band changes if you 

The bottom line is the NAQP is a lot of fun, and even small pistols can 
play. NAQP is one of the few contests I've been able to successfully run 
stations with my modest setup -- largely because I'm not competing 
against a lot of kW stations.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail:
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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