N4PN GA 867 230 207,213 10 FCG
K4NO AL 903 226 204,078 10 SECC#1
K4BAI GA 825 232 191,400 10 SECC#1
N4GG GA 800 226 180,800 10 SECC#3
K4OGG GA 779 221 171,275 10 SECC#1 SO2R
N4KG AL 696 228 158,688 10 --
WA4PGM VA 720 218 155,434 10 SECC#2
K4QPL NC 635 192 121,920 7.7 PVRC#3 Formerly of GA
KA1DWX AL 546 213 115,872 9.5 SECC#3
KU8E GA 549 173 94,977 7 SECC#1 SO2R
AE4Y GA 515 166 85,490 10 SECC#2
KA9EKJ AL 492 167 82,164 10 SECC#2
K4VU AL 450 179 80,550 10 --
N4LR GA 415 150 62,250 10 SECC#2
K4GA GA 368 142 52,256 6 SECC#3
W4NTI AL 129 112 24,528 3 SECC#2 SO2R
WB6BWZ GA 233 89 20,737 10 SECC#3 QRP
WB4SQ GA 192 88 16,896 7 SECC#4
AA4LR GA 208 80 16,640 5 SECC#4
WA4TT GA 150 98 14,700 2.5 --
AF4QZ SC 164 58 9,512 3 WWYC
K4SB GA 153 48 7,344 4 SECC#3
WW4LL GA 110 64 7,040 7.9 --
We still have no claimed scores from W4OC and K2UFT.
N4PN, K4VU, WA4PGM, and N4KG are apparently not subscribed to the
reflector and the last three are not yet members of SECC. K4QPL is out
of our area and wasn't on one of our teams this time. I will forward
this message to N4PN, WA4PGM, and K4QPL. If someone else has time (I am
about to leave the office for church and will be out of town Thursday)
to look up the e-mail addresses and forward the message to K4VU and
N4KG, maybe Tom and K4VU will go to our webpage and join up as members
of SECC and also subscribe to the reflector. It would be good to have
them join us.
John, K4BAI.