Hi all....looking for some one to help with some antenna work next
Sat...will involve climbing up to the 30ft level on the 4 sq towers..I can't
climb as of yet since I am having surgery on my knee....what I want to do is
replace the existing metal guy wires with Phillystrand...so its fairly easy
to climb to 30 ft level....I will do all the ground crew work.....
As an Update, the following has been accomplished this past week at
NQ4I...Chuck KJ4TY and I have installed the newest tower...its 125 ft of
Rohn 45, guyed completely with Phillystrand...it will have 4 el KLM 40m at
125 ft in ring rotor...it will have an 8el 10m on 48 ft boom at 135 ft
rotable and 8 el 10m fixed at EU, 8 el 10m fixed at JA, and 6 el 10m fixed
at VK...also will have 5/5 stack of 10m yagis at South America fixed....this
tower will feed the mult stations on 10m and 40m.....also Chuck and I have
readied another 3 el 40m Telrex antenna for stacking on the 40m tower..it
will got at the 85 ft height and will become part of the 3/3 stack on
40m.....so it was abusy week..now I am at work and will return Monday
evening...knee surgery is Tuesday morning...Dr says I will be able to climb
in approx 2 weeks?? de Rick