ARRL DX Contest, SSB
Call: N4NX
Operating Time (hrs): approx 24
Band QSOs Mults
160: 1 1
80: 33 28
40: 74 54
20: 197 91
15: 135 75
10: 61 27
Total: 501 276 Total Score = 414,828
Club: South East Contest Club
Shunt fed tower - 160 M ( no Beverages )
Dipole - 80M ( up about 40' )
Cushcraft 2 element beam - 40M ( up about 85' )
KT34XA - 10,15 & 20M ( up about 70' )
Comments: Only got in about 2 hours first night because had a great dinner and
good wine ( More than one glass ). I learned that good wine during a contest =
sleep + lower score! My biggest and only run was for 3 Qs. Low power and SSB
don't do much on SSB for frequency control or attracting attention. All other
Qs were search and pounce. Heard stuff on 80 and 160 that couldn't hear me. I
worked PJ2T on all six bands ( they were my only 160m QSO). Worked TE2M and
others on 5 bands. Set a goal of 500 Qs and 400,000 points and made it in spite
of the wine. Quit when I went over the 500 Q mark. I need to spend more time
chasing Qs vs. Mults.-------------------- Most importantly had fun!