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[SECC] Field Day and W4AN

Subject: [SECC] Field Day and W4AN
From: ac4cs at (Chris Sells AC4CS)
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 18:17:06 -0500
I agree Matt and I think at some point we may need to add something in the 
On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:04:58 -0400, Matt Lee, K4AQ wrote:

>I like to keep things simple, especially in clubs where it is a hobby
>for most of us.

>Every member should have an equal opportunity to request and use the
>club call. Adding a weight factor (to a request) adds a lot of "what if"
>into the selection process. Heck, we may end up spending more manhours
>debating, I mean "discussing" an issue than the operating time of the
>contester(s). That's a lousy ROI (return on investment).

>There is no reason why "first come, first serve" will not work. All it
>takes is some planning and doing (aka action, instead of talk). 

>Matt Lee, K4AQ
>Atlanta, GA USA
><K4AQ at>

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: secc-bounces at 
>> [mailto:secc-bounces at] On Behalf Of Chris Sells
>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 April, 2005 18:42
>> To: secc at
>> Subject: Re: [SECC] Field Day and W4AN
>> Hi Matt I did think so as well.  Interesting after I request 
>> and get permission for the call in AL we get people coming out of the 
>> woodwork for fd sites.  Gentlemen, I'm visually impaired and 
>> finally after trying for several years, have been able to get ops 
>> over for fd operations.  If fd is going to be in GA I will be 
>> out of it I have no transportation.  
>> Chris Sells

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>SECC at

Chris Sells

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