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Subject: [SECC] 3Y0X
From: aa4lr at (Bill Coleman)
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 23:23:22 -0500
On Feb 9, 2006, at 9:05 PM, <ku8e at> <ku8e at>  

> Just  worked 3Y0X on 80 CW... on one call !!!  Their signal is
> coming up very nicely out of the noise. TX 3523.9 and listening up.

I've managed to work them on 20m and 15m SSB, and just tonight on 30m  

When I was listening to 40m CW last night, I just couldn't believe  
all the people calling on the DX frequency. UP UP UP. What idiots!

Well, tonight, I have a confession -- I was one of those idiots for  
about 3 minutes on 30m. I had a nice split frequency in the other  
VFO, but the radio isn't in split mode. I kept calling, and people  
would send UP UP UP. Gee, I wonder what idiot is calling on the DX  
frequency. Then again UP UP UP. Finally, someone sent AA4LR UP UP. I  
got it that time.

Dang, I feel stupid.

Frustrating right now. 40m SSB is super strong, but they are only  
listening below 7100. Maybe later.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
             -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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