Field Day activity at QTH of W4BQF (Incomplete results)
Call sign used: KB0Y
Band Mode QSO's Pts
3.5 CW 55 110
7.0 CW 179 358
14 CW 64 128
14 USB 88 88
21 CW 31 62
Total 417 746
HOT...very HOT during set up. Had a 'wonderful' time in a military
tent with two air conditioners that could only maintain a 3 degree
temp differential with the outside. Way too much, but very excellent
food on the grill and smoker. 80m dipole, two G5RV's, one un-named
something else for 80 and 40, one repeater antenna (?), one four foot
tall HF vertical (no QSO's!).
Biggest Thrill: Watching one XYL and two men, licensed, who were on
the air for their first time, coming out of their tent with this HUGE
grin on their face and saying "I made 10 contacts!" They were
thrilled at the experience.
2nd Biggest Thrill: Two stunningly beautiful female reporters from
the Valdosta Daily Times walking across the field to interview us. I
yelled " FD is over, everybody's got to leave" but no one would move!
Tom - W4BQF
"I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."