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[SECC] GQP halftime info

Subject: [SECC] GQP halftime info
From: na4bw at (Brian Wilcox)
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 20:14:30 -0400
Mike et. al.,

It looks like a great showing by the Ga. ops!! I worked many, many fixed 
stations thru out the state even with my limited operating time. It was 
great to hear the # of 'new' signals coming out of Georgia.

Thx to everyone that put some time into the 2010 GQP. I'm very hopeful that 
we were able to actuate all 159 counties. I believe that would be a 1st.

Of course, major kudos to the mobiles who sure had fabulous wx to navigate 
in. Hope everyone had fun!


Brian NA4BW
2009/2010 SECC President

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Condon" <mrcne4s at>
To: "SECC GA Club" <secc at>; "Southeastern DX Club GA Club" 
<sedxc at>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 8:10 AM
Subject: [SECC] GQP halftime info

It appears I was not the only one who thought the coax was shorted....

That, plus a balky laptop, got me late on my run, which I never caught up.
Today I will catch the last part of my list.
I will add a Glascock and Talifero today as a backup to Jeff, N4XGI, instead 
of K4BAI.

John/Jeff, running K4BAI, have had rig problems and are working a new route 
for today.
Most of the K4BAI route had another station posted, and they are hitting 
their single coverage postings.

We have not heard of problems other than these, and that the Sun not playing 

Greg, NM2L, is doing more checking, and we are still available late today 
for emergencies.

It looks like a normal start, but with some weak propagation at the outset.

Enjoy the second half....

Please use ne4s at as my address.
GQP 2010 is on April 10, 11th, Join the party.
See !
Be well

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