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[SECC] GQP reminder

Subject: [SECC] GQP reminder
From: mrcne4s at (Michael Condon)
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 12:40:07 -0700 (PDT)
May 15th is?the deadline for GQP logs.

We still have?several club member logs still out there....
A couple rovers, or multi county portables too...

If you need help in recreating a lost or scrambled?log, getting it in the right 
format, combining multiple county log files, or anything,? I can help.
Please do not wait too long.

The web site is updated with 346 logs received, listed at

I have fixed some spellings of club names so the scores would consolidate 
If your club name needs an edit,? send me a note.

W4NZ, Ted, has sent me some pics that are now on the home page.

I will add a few pics of my own soon.

Thanks to the folks who are listed...
To the tardy,?send them in....

Mike, NE4S

?Please use ne4s at as my address.
GQP 2011 is on April 9, 10th, Join the party.
See !
Be well 


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