I only had 35 minutes but at 0400Z 20 SSB was full from 14150 to 14346. I
was looking just for the R3 stations and heard 10 and worked 8. The HQ and
multi KW home stations made it difficult
so I noticed several went above 14330 (worked all 4 that did).
Strongest was just above S9+5 and the weakest was S6. The two S6 could not
hear my 90 watts
but one said K4 with bravo. A HQ station jumped on his frequency and that
was the last I heard of him. Wish I could have spent a little time and
turned on the amp.
SF=80 and all of Europe was loud and so was most of East Asia.
Unexplainable but the weakest stations big stations (outside of the R3's)
were RW2F S8 and OX8XX S8. There was a whole layer below S8 which could be
worked if you stayed on a frequency and ran. I noticed KM3T (14306) was
doing well and NR5M down the band was also doing well.
Dave K4JRB